"Over 15,000 Ahmadi Muslims, in unison, will affirm their loyalty to Canada; their homeland. This will be an amazing experience. I am grateful to God that we will be fulfilling a commandment of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) who reminded us that 'Loyalty to the Homeland is Part of the Faith" [Malik Lal Khan]
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community will celebrate Canada Day at its 35th Annual Convention
VAUGHAN, ON, June 29, 2011 /CNW/ - More than 15,000 delegates will gather at the International Centre in Mississauga to participate in the largest indoor Canada Day Celebrations (Friday July 1st at 4:30 pm).
In addition, delegates from across Canada will take part in the 35th Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Canada (Friday July 1st to Sunday July 3rd).
Each year, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community hosts Canada Day celebrations across the nation. This year Canada Day coincides with the first day of the 35th Annual Convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Canada.
"Over 15,000 Ahmadi Muslims, in unison, will affirm their loyalty to Canada; their homeland. This will be an amazing experience", said Lal Khan Malik, President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Canada. "I am grateful to God that we will be fulfilling a commandment of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) who reminded us that 'Loyalty to the Homeland is Part of the Faith", he added.
In addition to Canada day celebration, the three-day convention will include presentations on spiritual and contemporary issues. Need for the Muslims to excel in spiritual and secular knowledge, Islamic perspective on Blasphemy, Commonalities of Faiths, and the ever-important relationship between Islam and the West, are some of the key presentations at the Convention.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (official name Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at) is a global religious organization founded in 1889. It has tens of millions of followers in more than 190 countries. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at categorically rejects all forms of extremism.
The founder of the community Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), the Promised Messiah and the Mahdi, declared that extremism and an aggressive "Jihad with the sword" has no place in Islam. The best way to defend Islam is through an intellectual "Jihad with the pen". The motto of the community is "LOVE FOR ALL- HATRED FOR NONE".
The community is known for its unique approach to interfaith dialogue and active engagement in charitable work; such as running schools and hospitals in the developing countries where the need is most acute.
For further information:
Farhan Khokhar (416-716-2247), Abdul Haleem Tayyab (416-832-6566), Dr. Aslam Daud (416-560-7933)
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama`at Canada
10610 Jane St., Maple, Ontario, L6A 3A2
Tel: 905-832-2669 ext 2243, Email: info@ahmadiyya.ca
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
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